TWC recently conducted interviews with 200 independent retailers and this brand new research was shared for the first time at the Unitas 2022 Conference in Tenerife.

The purpose of the research was to get under the skin of independent retailers current concerns and how they feel about price marked packs.

Some of the key findings were:

  • Independent retailers are worried about the cost of living crisis affecting their shoppers; the rising cost of doing business; and declining margins.
  • Price marked packs communicate value and shoppers like them. The price flash appears to trigger consumer purchase rather than the price itself (a view shared by TWC), with 62% of retailers agreeing that their shoppers would still buy PMPs if suppliers increased the price of them a bit.
  • A clear request from retailers to increase prices while the expectation is there, to protect the shared margin, otherwise retailers will stop supporting PMPs.



TWC Trends Autumn Edition 2021

To download some summary slides from this research, click below:

Download summary slide deck