**NEW REPORT** How have retailers changed as a result of the pandemic and how can wholesalers and suppliers better support them?
Wholesale is our passion - we live it and we love it
We've walked the walk and we talk the talk!
We understand what works and what doesn't in the channel.
Price marked packs: what do retailers think?
Read our latest research to get under the skin of independent retailers current concerns and how they feel about price marked packs.
TWC Trends Summer 22: Part 2 – The cost of living crisis
Our latest TWC Trends research unpicks how consumers are adapting their behaviour in light of increased pressure on household budgets due to the cost-of-living crisis.
Operating in times of high inflation – advice from a seasoned professional
We discuss the highly topical issue of how wholesalers can survive stagflation, with TWC Chairman Mike McGee sharing his learned experience of working through high inflation in the past.
The last thing wholesale needs is a race to the bottom on price
The watch out of focussing on the price differential – and arguing it doesn’t exist – is that then we simply drive convenience retail prices down, creating a race to the bottom on RSP which directly squeezes the margin which must be shared between a retailer and a wholesaler.
Are consumers prepared to pay more in convenience?
Are consumers prepared to pay more in convenience? Our conclusion: a 10% price differential continues to exist for Tesco and Sainsbury’s convenience stores, so this is the price point that independent retailers must try to compete with.
TWC Trends – Autumn Edition 2021 – PART 3
Part three of Autumn Trends focuses on savvy shopping – balancing value as well as premiumisation to meet divergent consumer needs
Price increases & the impact on shared margin
There is a lot of noise about price rises across the supply chain currently but how should this work in the wholesale channel? Nobody expects an independent retailer to sell a product at the same price as a Tesco supermarket, so suppliers need to ensure that revised margin calculations allow indies to compete on price (within convenience) AND make a living.
Can PMPs drive value perception at a time of rising costs?
It is clear that wholesalers still want PMP's and our data from TWC Trends Spring Edition shows consumer demand too, with two-thirds agreeing that they like PMPs. In the context of rising costs, it is an ongoing challenge for the industry to offer consumers value and...
TWC Trends – Spring Edition 2021
Research on consumer sentiment and attitudes to shopping in: Convenience, Hospitality, Foodservice, Wholesale.
TWC Trends – The Rise of Subscription Services
In the last few weeks, a few headlines have caught my eye.
Firstly, the UK has officially become the 3rd largest ecommerce economy in the world, behind China, and only just behind South Korea (by only 0.1% of GDP).
Convenience Conversation Needs To Focus on More Than the Mults
Tom Fender unpacks Which? Magazine’s recent report on convenience stores.
Wholesaling after Charles Wilson – what lies ahead?
TWC’s Tanya Pepin looks at the tenure of Charles Wilson at Booker and speculates on what his departure could mean for the channel.