Data and digital consultancy TWC Group is launching a convenience market read – branded ‘SmartView Convenience’. It claims to be the most representative EPOS market read covering independent retail and wholesaler-supplied symbol stores in GB.

The read comprises a sample of around 6,500 stores, with a combined turnover of £5.6 billion, which have been cherry-picked to be representative of total GB. The analytics platform contains algorithms to extrapolate this sample to represent total GB independent convenience, which will be continuously updated to rebalance the read to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Data reporting will be available in value and volume for the following time periods: MAT, YTD, 13 weeks, 4 weeks, weekly; and will be accessed via TWC’s incredibly popular SmartView online reporting platform. Regional reporting will also be available.

The service will allow organisations to understand sector and category performance and trends as a benchmark for their own performance; identify growth drivers; understand the true ‘top sellers’ in a category and quickly identify range gaps.

Tom Fender, Development Director at TWC said:

“We believe SmartView Convenience provides a balanced and representative sample of stores to truly understand what is happening in the independent convenience sector.”

“This market read will identify WHAT is selling in UK independent and symbol c-stores. TWC can conduct additional complementary consumer, shopper or retailer research to understand WHY products are selling (or not), meaning we are now even better placed to provide a full suite of route-to-market insight solutions.”

To find out more about SmartView Convenience and to register your interest in receiving further updates, please head to:

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