SmartView Convenience is complementary to your existing wholesale shipments data, providing a total market read against which you can benchmark your performance.

SmartView Convenience is the most representative read of independent and symbol group convenience store sales for total GB and will provide market context (channel performance trends) and benchmarking. It provides context and importantly, you can quote the data externally.

Based on a robust sample of 6,500 cherry-picked stores, upweighted to represent the total market, SmartView Convenience will enable you to demonstrate the scale and scope of the channel; compare your brand performance to the market; and identify the top sellers and any range gaps to drive your cat man agenda in wholesale/convenience

Meanwhile, wholesale shipments (sales out) data provides tactical insights for growing your sales through that particular wholesaler. It allows you to identify member and customer distribution gaps, understand your performance in that wholesaler vs. the category/ your competitors; and calculate specific growth opportunities in that wholesaler.

The image below outlines the differences – click on it to download the slide for your reference.

TWC Trends Autumn Edition 2021

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