TWC Trends Autumn Edition 2021


On Tuesday 13 September 2022, Sarah Coleman, Director of Communications at TWC, presented at a Scottish Wholesale Association webinar, sharing TWC Trends Summer 2022 edition data on sustainability.


Some of the key take outs from the presentation for the retail sector were:


  • Sustainability is influencing where just over a quarter of Scottish consumers are shopping for groceries, a fall from 38% LY. Undoubtedly the hunt for value has overtaken as a priority.

  • Half of consumers (especially 55+) are not willing to pay a premium for sustainability benefits – the expectation is that businesses should be focussed on their impact – and therefore absorb additional costs?

  • There are mixed views on the environmental impact of shopping at c-stores (particularly in Scotland) but consensus that the sector could do more to demonstrate its sustainability credentials.

And for the foodservice sector:


  • Eating out will be less frequent so expectations will be high and offering a point of difference/experiences that can’t be replicated at home will be key. Sustainability can be a point of difference – e.g. London concepts

  • However it is fair to assume that – as for grocery – sustainability as a source of added value will be deprioritised as the cost of living crisis bites.

  • It makes sense for operators to adopt seasonal menus, increased plant-based options, repurpose food destined for waste etc in order to increase efficiency/reduce costs, as well as drive sustainability credentials.


To download the presentation slides, click below:

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