Latest results are as follows:


– In the latest 52 weeks, eating out of home and food-to-go occasions have grown faster in Scotland (+16%) compared to the rest of GB (+12%) – our hypothesis is that this reflects a more severe lockdown and consequent sharper recovery.

– Whereas growth has slowed in recent months in Total GB, (+8% vs the same 12 weeks in 2021), the growth rate has been increasing in Scotland, at +23% in the latest 12 weeks.

Latest 52 weeks52 weeks year ago (comparable period)52 weeks YOY changeLatest 12 weeks12 weeks year ago (comparable period)12 weeks YOY change
Total out of home (GB)3.7bn3.3bn+12%786mn726mn+8%
Total out of home (Scotland)299mn258mn+16%69.6mn56.8mn+23%


Commenting on the results, Tom Fender, Development Director at TWC, said:

“These results should make any Scottish foodservice business sit up and take note. Pubs and restaurants are in huge growth in terms of visits/occasions, as are cafes and coffee shops…and these outlets are stealing significant share and sales from convenience stores and sandwich shops.  Any foodservice operator and supplier to these outlets should now be digging underneath the headline figures to understand which sub-channels are in growth or decline, and the reasons for this.”

He adds: “I am delighted that we at TWC now have access to all of this data and insight from MealTrak to be able to support food and drink organisations in Scotland.”

For more information on Mealtrak please contact Kim Reddick at TWC (

MealTrak is the nation’s leading continuous tracking programme for food-to-go and out-of-home consumption, surveying 36,500 consumers a year. Find out more here: