Driving growth through intelligence and technology, and offering a personal touch in an increasingly digital world, TWC has revealed a compelling new look and feel for its business alongside the latest breaking developments in its products and services.

Headed by Tanya Pepin and Tom Fender, TWC is widely respected across its market sectors. Not only for the immense experience held within its team, but for its unique mix of data, knowledge and technology, which has evolved into a powerful offering across three specialist divisions – TWC Trends, TWC Consultancy and TWC Technology:

Managing Director, Tanya Pepin says that TWC’s evolution and growth has morphed hand in hand with customer need, and the creation of three specialist divisions provides a clear differentiation of service that will make it easy and transparent for its customers: “Our whole ethos is around providing the right solutions that boost our customer’s bottom line and to that end, our three divisions offer services that are highly complementary and all based on a deep understanding of the markets, the industries, and the behaviours that underpin growth.

We believe the next frontier is personalisation. Wholesalers already capture detailed shopper behaviour data and c-stores and hospitality venues can do the same.”

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