The TWC Trends research was conducted in June 2022 and showed that 51% of consumers found the idea of rapid grocery delivery appealing, rising to 69% of those living in London. This over-index coincides with the greater presence of the quick commerce tech start-ups such as Gorillas, Getir, GoPuff and Zapp, but also relates to the demographic make-up of the capital, for example London has the highest proportion of people working, who are more likely to need rapid delivery solutions.

Awareness of the individual operators was highest for Getir and Gorillas at 17% (total GB). Within London, Gorillas was best known (46% awareness), followed by Getir at 41%.

The primary reasons consumers cited for using rapid delivery firms were that the shops are too far away (42% agreement); the shops are closed (35%); not having to wait long for delivery (35%); and bad weather preventing me from leaving the house (28%).

Consumers reported typical spends of over £20 on each occasion, with over half exceeding this level of spend. This is over double the typical instore convenience basket and reflects the willingness to pay a premium for the convenience of delivery as well as the premium selection of goods on offer via some of the apps, including fine wines and electronics.

TWC Trends Autumn Edition 2021
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